How I Run Community Project On Github
14 Feb 2017
motivation, before repo init
- as a user, hope Atom can be better, reach more people around the globe
- i want to have experience running an open source project with community contribution
- Somebody is doing but it can be better
- current i18n package supports only single language
- can we create a package loading content from different source?
- Somebody need it
- i18n of several language is missing i18n on issue
- also there are some volunteer for i18n
Tech Aspect
- current i18n project
- base
- with 80% content extracted from code
- base on
- more complete coverage of i18n
- code is more complex
- both not complicated but with one work to do
- extracted content from code
- i fork
and start to extract content from code
- discover how UI dom is structured
- features i want to add
- common data structure for different lang
- translate more UI items
Maintenance Aspect
- From TODO to Github Projects
- former way: use plain text
to create TODO List
- issue is always a good way to manage actions
- Why use Projects
- keeping update
is distracting
- we need something that we can edit see it changed on the fly
- there are some tiny chores no need to add issue number on it
- e.g. refactor some function, add blabla to
- there are some abstract ideas need to be noted
- We need a higher view to manage the project
- like what trello did
- practice kanban?
- You can reference issue in kanban
- add CI hook to repo to save time reviewing commit
- issues
- use label to classify issues
- Travis CI may Block Publishing using apm
- github config: disable all options about Include administrators
- safer way to do
- github config: disable Protect this branch
- unpublish package
- delete commit on local/remote
- git reset –hard HEAD~
- git push -f origin master
- delete tag on local/remote
- git tag -d v0.1.3
- git push origin :refs/tags/v0.1.3
- IMPORTANT clear binding with apm registry
- apm unpublish spacegray-light-neue-ui@0.1.3 # Note 0.1.3 not v0.1.3
- OPTIONAL clear apm cache
- apm publish patch
Public Relation Aspect
- for volunteer
- how to find them?
- atom discussion, issue page
- prepare
- refine instruction to let anyone can understand it
- simplify the process of translation
- prepare template
- use prefix to notice what to translate
- in the PR discussion
- add volunteer name
- add link to issue to direct volunteer to issue page of their own locale
- add link to create new issue for new locale
- think of it as landing page
- for user
- promote your package in Atom discussion
- get feedback from user
- add reload prompt notice when switching language