Internationalization package for atom editor. Developed with CoffeeScript, NodeJS. Translation made by the community. Use TDD framework Mocha to validate contribution format.
Simple markdown collaborative editor powered by Meteor, React and MongoDB. Utilizing Meteor Method to achieve communication between pages. Use accounts-ui and accounts-password as login system.
Contribute PR to Atom core package tree-view by implementing 'open file in file manager in your native os'. Adding corresponding Jasmine spec to enhance the project. This contribution is merged into master in atom version 1.12.
Simple react redux app using external weather API. Utilizing redux-promise to handle promise in action payload. Visualizing data using redux-sparkline Injecting Google Map API into component.
An conference organizer app to help you schedule your conferences. Server is deployed on Google Cloud Platform using and implemented by Python. This project is part of Udacity's Full Stack Nanodegree projects.