How I Contribute To Atom From Scratch
19 Feb 2017
- This article is more like a note about how I contribute to popular open source software – Atom – from little
- I would try to make it easy to understand
- I want to encourage those passionate with open source but don’t know how to start.
Starting as an User
- Time is always the most valuable for developer so I like to discovering productivity tools to save time
- what do i need in ATOM
- code: auto-complete, snippet, linting…
- document: markdown utils/highlighting, text folding like what workflowy offers
- I like to discover packages in Atom pages
- try to describe my needs and convert them into key words
- Atom encourage user to discover it’s power and customize it
- flight-manual is a good starting point
- discover more functionalities to make your life easier
- tutorial about building hello-world package from boilerplate
- i took some time to go through it (fm version 1.0)
Play around with API
- most fun part: try to play around the rich APIs
- e.g. insert template with date in markdown, move cursor to some place you want
- Atom provide a playful interface —
so we can play with API with ease
- you can implement custom command on the fly
- I let my
start to grow large
- plugin of text manipulation in markdown
- a good starting point to satisfy what I need to enhance productivity
Discovering Issues
- now I can try to enhance my ux/productivity
- by discovering Atom built-in (config, hotkey, snippet, stylesheet)
- by discovering 3rd package
- by customizing my own command in
with help of API doc
- but sometimes we are still unsatisfied
- I want to open file without toggling tree view
- discover it on issue, join discussion
- looking into source, found that core function is prepared
- try to reuse functions from source
Sending Pull Request
- I’ve found that I can start to contribute!
- just require some refactoring and reuse some inner help function
- discuss on issue page
- prepare dev env/tools
- fork repo, sync it with upstream
- link,
- CoffeeScript linter
- wrap some code and then commits
- learn and refactor Coffee Script
- takes time to understand it
- So happy it works after some iteration!
- refactoring commits message
- commits often, with little changes
- commits message style guide
- use interactive rebase to get commits tidy
- create PR for reviewing
- fixing typo/syntax by comments/reviews
- create spec is hard but I feel like I’m close to it
- learning from reading other’s code
- learning
- learning
Travis CI
- interact with reviewer
- don’t be afraid to discuss/notify with reviewer
- they are busy so try to keep in contact with them
- so happy to see it merged then go in beta/stable
- starts from one open source you like to use
- better if you use it every day
- better if it has friendly document
- since I can easily play with it so I can keep follow on it
- better if it has supportive community
- watch and learn from open source
- how to write spec
- how to contribute to Issue
- how to send PR
- yes you can contribute, Atom prepares simple issue tag for anyone in interest
- tips on issue query
- help-wanted
- sort by most comments
- core packages require many helps (issue and PR)